Charity Auction
Give The World
A Hug !
Location : The World !
Started on International Hug Day,
23rd January 2023
This is a community based, anti-loneliness project to make people smile and to share the hugs.
Culminating with an online auction of clothing and artistic creations on the Hug theme, donated to the cause by celebrities and artists. The funds will then be given to Charities that focus on supporting individuals through loneliness.
Le compte à rebours est lancé
Save the date !!
Du 5 au 8 décembre 2024 – “Hug-Art” Auction
Ceci est un appel à l’action pour aider à collecter des fonds pour des organismes caritatifs qui ont pour but d’accompagner les individus souffrant de solitude.
Célébrités et artistes participent de leur créativité à cette démarche. Leurs oeuvres sur le thème “Hug” seront alors mises en vente aux enchères.
What you need to know
There are many charities that focus on combating loneliness and desperately require funds to continue their work.
The auction
The online “Hug-Art”auction is due to take place from the 5th to the 8th of december 2024.
Come and see the various community events that we have organised so far this year !
The first part of the puzzle: Our very close friend, whom we see as a sister, Gerry,…..
Heritage, I love this ! I saw things like hand prints and thumb print ‘memory items’ after Luke died and wished I had that. It’s strange but the idea of putting my hand in his, seeing the lines of his palm which is unique to him.
– Carys Duckworth, Leeds – UK
Come and see the various community events that we have organised so far this year !
Do get in touch for any tips on how to organise your own "Flash Hugs" !
Contre la solitude ! #Give-the-World-a-Hug !
Débutant le 23 Janvier 2023
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Ce problème vient généralement du fait que le propriétaire ne l’a partagé qu’avec un petit groupe de personnes, a modifié qui pouvait le voir ou l’a supprimé.